Let’s End the Game of Cat and Dog

Kumar Abhinav
3 min readJul 21, 2020

Why some people own more about dogs than someone did about cats and vice versa? If you are an Indian kid, let me put this in my way, who did you like more, Scoob from scooby-doo or Tom from Tom and Jerry show? No doubt that people love cats and dogs but do one stands out over the other? Let’s compare the domestic cat with its canine counterpart- the domestic dog.

Difficulty Of Care: Caring for animals can be a lot of work and when you are looking for it, it counts for a lot of responsibility. Right from the start dog demands a significant amount of attention to their need for initial training and house-breaking which can take around two months. Additionally, it is recommended that dogs must not be left alone the whole day, they need you for walk and daily care activities. Cats differ in that they can cope when their owners depart for an extended period of time and can very easily adapt to their daily habits and they also stereotypically more independent than dogs, on the whole, meaning they don’t need necessarily require as much attention and affection. That can be either a good thing or a bad thing because if you got a busy lifestyle and always on the go, a more self-sufficient animal may be a better choice.

Cleanliness: As with humans, pet hygiene is crucial and this can act as a distinction between them. Many dogs need constant upkeep, though the frequency varies from breed to breed, Owners should ensure they are bathed and groomed on a constant basis but there is a popular belief that not all dogs can swim or even like the water. Cats, on the other hand, don’t require so much of bathing as they lick themselves and even other cats regularly but it is suggested long-haired cats should be brushed regularly.

Functionality: In addition to house-keeping and training, the function is not uncommon when it comes to cats and dogs, each is uniquely suited to certain tasks and purposes. Cats are well known for hunting and killing rodents and are generally effective at driving out mice, rats, and other animals of those sorts. Dogs Meanwhile are well known for their loyalty, trainability, and devotedness to humans which is why they are considered “Man’s Best Friend”. They routinely solved for many jobs like sniffing out drugs for police and simply protecting their owners in the home.

Interactivity: When it comes to pets, perhaps the best measure of their values is how they interact with their owners, both in terms of activities and were into action occur. Cats are largely indoor oriented, typically enjoying things on their own terms, when an owner can get their attention cats are often entranced by simple items such as laser pointers, strings, and yarns, they basically have a fixation on the basic game of stalking and pouncing upon something. Dogs can play both indoors and outdoors, Obviously smaller dogs are more suited for smaller places but all dogs need to go outside and get some fresh air from time to time. In their natural habitat, they engage more directly with their owners, a common activity for owners to take their dogs to park and play the fetching game with them which makes a great bonding with them.

So are you doing okay, I can’t actually hear you, through the….actually it’s a one-way thing. Now you may start hashtags like a create civil war or end up having “FOX” which can act as both but it depends on you- will it be a pet or something else like dinner types the other way round?

